Sustainability with Consumers

Trends of sustainability are often seen to be partaken by companies, constantly using environment-friendly materials or not using plastic bags. Even changing non-renewable resources to something less damaging through pursuing a more sustainable environment.

However, what’s the point of the sustainability attempt, when the public consumers do not partake in the sustainability train?

Sustainability is not achieved through.. waste

While the idea of biodegradability resonates with the people who are aware regarding sustainability, it does not reflect on the actions of the others surrounding them.

A company being sustainable does not mean the customers are as well. It does not help with the stagnant decrease of waste, and instead rising up.

Solid waste has become a major part in affecting the environment, as there are around 11.2 billion tons generated worldwide each year. In all that big of a number, 79% of the waste continues to damage the sustainable goal we are trying to achieve as humans.

Believe it, but don’t do it

Producing more waste than reducing more waste should encourage the people to do less of the environmental damage. Some people may disagree with the idea that global warming, no, global boiling exists, but have they noticed how much hotter it’s become?

Why argue on how the earth is flat or globular, when there are more impending issues on the planet, like global boiling, for example? To act upon a bad matter, we must believe that it exists so we can fight against it.

Best ways to fight global boiling? RECYCLE

It will be hard to do it at first, but the earth needs help to return to a better state. To try and contribute to recycling, you can:

  • Lessen using private transport, or travel by plane too often. Carbon emission produced by the transportations partakes in the greenhouse effect. It might be tiring to use public transport, but it’s better than breathing in deadly gas from cars or motorcycles.
  •  That being said, if you still prefer using private transport (specifically cars or motorcycles), refrain from using older models. Instead, use electric vehicles, or hybrid cars. It might be a bit pricey, but it’s better.
  • NOT using any non-degradable items. If we’re trying to lessen the horrible effects of global boiling, we shouldn’t add to the fire. Stick with reusable materials, and repurpose any preexisting non-degradable items you have. 
  • You can avoid buying plastic bottles, and rather bring your own drinks in your non-plastic water bottles.
  • Lastly, support companies who are trying to create a sustainable environment. What’s an example of them? Well, it’s…us! Upshecle produce products that promote a sustainable lifestyle. Our products use used plastic bottles to create fashionable, yet environmentally friendly products.

To ensure a circular economy and a bettering of the environment, Upshecle empowers marginalised women as a workshop by designing, sourcing and crafting reusable goods. Upshecle engages in collaborations with local artisans and small farmers from many regions in Indonesia, with the intention to create distinctive designs and enduring styles that bring about a positive influence on the community. Help the earth, and discover our products!


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